Goodwill indemnity in European private law

On 16 March 2018, at Bologna’s beautiful Complesso San Domenico, an international conference was held on “Il contratto internazionale: vecchi e nuovi problemi per giudice, arbitro, imprese e consulenti, anche alla luce della soft law” (“International contracts: old and new problems for judges, arbitrators, companies and consultants, also in the light of soft law”).

Prof. Paola Manes took care of the organization and scientific direction. The Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna and the Fondazione Forense Bolognese sponsored the conference.

The day of study was dedicated to the analysis of the controversial aspects of international contracts. In this context, Marco de Benito contributed a speech titled “Indennità di avviamento nel letto di Procuste”, reflecting on how European private law solves some of the intricate issues posed by both the theoretical aspects and the practical regulation and application of goodwill indemnity.

Other speakers included Prof. Giorgio de Nova (Università di Milano); Prof. Alberto Mazzoni (Università di Milano); Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro (Università di Bologna); Prof. Giuditta Cordero-Moss (University of Oslo); Prof. Salvatore Patti; Prof. Giacomo Rojas Elgueta (Università di Roma Tre); Avv. Cecilia Carrara (Legance).